Ep#7 - Arno Carstens and Albert Frost

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Arno Carstens is one of South Africa's most iconic platinum-selling musicians. He began his career with Springbok Nude Girls before pursuing a successful solo career. Arno also works closely with award-winning blues guitarist and songwriter Albert Frost. Together, they opened for Mike and The Mechanics in South Africa and frequently collaborate. They also discuss their Satellite tour. @arnocarstensmusic www.arnocarstens.co.za https://www.youtube.com/@arnocarstensmusic @frostalbert https://www.youtube.com/frostalbert1 https://linkboss.pro/albertfrost πŸ”₯🎸 Thank You! 🎸πŸ”₯ Huge thanks to all our supporters! We couldn't do this without you! πŸ™πŸŽΆ https://phanaprai.com/ 150 Main Road Strand Claim your 20 % discount on the Hot Oil Massage: MPHB 2 10% on all other treatments: MPHB @Phanapraithai +27 66 243 4234 massage@phanaprai.com https://mrk.co.za/ Shop G17, The Sanctuary Shopping Centre, Cnr De Beers Avenue & Broadway Road, Somerset West, Cape Town @mrk_za_ 0861 111 860 debbie@mrk.co.za Filmed at Artisan Media Works contact@artisanmediaworks.co.za @artisanmediaworks https://www.musicpodhb.com/ @hanlebarnard @musicpodhanlebarnard πŸ’₯ SPONSORSHIP & ADVERTISING: For sponsorship, advertising, or guest suggestions, contact us: Email: Hanle@artisanmediaworks.co.za